About my Blog

This blog is designed to inform readers about local produce in Essex and Suffolk. It reviews a huge variety of suppliers of fresh food specialities and emphasizes handpicked agricultural delicatessens.
The neighbourhood in Essex and Suffolk is extremely rich in terms of locally grown or produced food and controlled organic agriculture. The variety of farmers and farm shops offering crops and other local produce is huge. It can satisfy even the spoiled tastes of international gourmets.
This Blog was created to help people picking the most suitable supplier for their favourite food and inspire them to use local produce in their daily diet.
There are different types of post in this blog: Some of them are focused on the supplier and emphasize the respective policies and views. Others emphasize a single product, informing the reader about quality and taste. 

I hope you enjoy reading my Blog. If you do so please become a follower and share my blog with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. You also have the opportunity to sign up for my email newsletter and be informed about new posts and comments instantly.

All information used was collected to the best of my knowledge. Should you encounter any mistakes or clerical errors whilst on this page, please contact me (email: ivanfoodfanatic@googlemail.com) so I may correct them.

Kind Regards

Ivan Stupnitzki, Fanatic about Freshness