Monday, March 28, 2011

Organic Vegetables from Tey Brook – Top in Taste and Trust

People are aware of their nutrition. The percentage of the population preferring controlled, organic food is growing and especially high in the fruit and vegetable sector.
But organic is not organic and what wholesalers and big box stores sometimes declare “organic” borders customer fraud. 
Surely you want to make sure to take full advantage of the benefits of real organic food. Therefore you should think about changing your habit of where to buy it.
There are several facts which made me prefer produce which is grown under controlled and organically standardized conditions.
Organic fruit and vegetable are healthier than ordinary produce. They contain up to 25% more vitamins and minerals. Further the avoidance of chemicals and pesticides adds to a healthy lifestyle and reduces the chance of cancer significantly.
These benefits are part of the policy of one of my most trusted and frequently visited farmers: Tey Book Farm in Essex.
To ensure the benefits of real organic farming for their customers the people at Tey Brook fulfil and exceed the toughest standards for organic food.
The commitment to ensuring the security of customers, wildlife and the environment is extraordinary strong at Tey Brooks. That’s what makes them one of the leading supplier of organic produce in Brittan.
If you want to change your habit towards a healthier and more delicious nutrition now check out Tey Brooks website. Be convinced by their view on farming and responsibility:     

Tey Brook Farm
Brook Road
Great Tey

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