Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Caprilatte Ice Cream from Butterfly Lodge – It’s All About the Milk

Have you ever tasted real, handmade artisan ice cream while on holiday in Italy? If you have you know how hard it is to get something similar in the UK. Even ice cream parlours can often not achieve the levels of quality and taste.

In the county of Essex there is a way to get what you desire. Since 2004 Warren and Ellie Goff produce their own farm produced luxury dairy goat milk ice cream at Butterfly Lodge.
The first time I tasted their product was in 2006 and I was stunned how unbelievable good this ice cream really was. The rich and creamy consistency coupled with the absolutely delicious flavour of fresh strawberries or real premium vanilla is a great experience. And nearly everything is produced locally. “The most important thing is the milk itself”, Warren told me. “We have had 25 years experience with goats and their milk before we dared to attempt ice cream.”
My view: it worked out absolutely brilliant. Caprilatte Ice Cream from Butterfly Lodge is a must have for all ice cream lovers and for everyone who has ever tasted real artisan ice cream.
Visit Butterfly Lodge’s Website:

Butterfly Lodge Farmshop and Dairy
Mersea Road

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