Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Strawberries and Cream – Red, White and the Symphony of Taste

Summer is fast approaching now in East Anglia and for me this is always the time to look forward to my favourites of summer delicatessen.
One of the best among them: Strawberries and Cream. But to really enjoy the unique taste of this delicious classic it takes more than a visit in your local supermarket.
Made from supermarket strawberries and readymade cream the taste of my favourite is good, I give you that. But don’t be content with just good.
The brilliant taste of strawberries is a fine balance of sweet and sour aromas. It can be easily spoiled by chemicals used in growing, wrong handling, packaging or storing.
All these things happen to ordinary strawberries. All these things can impact negatively on the connection of the tasty fruit and the rich cream which make this speciality so incredibly delicious. 
You can get so much more in terms of taste and quality if you take your time and look around the countryside for local suppliers of fresh and juicy strawberries.
One of my preferred suppliers for fruit is Spencer’s Farm in Essex. Spencer’s offers a huge assortment of always fresh and organic fruit. Their strawberries are widely known for their outstanding taste and quality.
So next time you are having strawberries and cream, take your time and buy the strawberries at a local producer. You will see for yourself that the taste is worth the effort.
To find out more about Spencer’s Farm and get directions follow the link to their website: http://www.spencersfarmshop.co.uk/

Wickham Fruit Farm
Wickham St Pauls

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