Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bacon Tasting at Alder Carr Farm – A peek inside Bacon-lore

Do you sometimes wonder if the bacon on your breakfast table is really the best you can get? You can check now!
Alder Carr Farm, a widely known supplier of fresh produce and extraordinary meat, is inviting interested customers for Bacon Tasting again.
Since 1981 Joan & Nick Hardingham run their farm in Ispwich offering their customer high-quality produce. When I talked to them about how they started their farm they told me their story: Alder Carr Farm began as simple fruit and vegetable farming but grew fast to one of the biggest and most popular farming businesses in Suffolk.
Nick came up with the idea of bacon tasting 5 years ago. He wanted to give his customers the opportunity to get to know his wide range of different types and sorts of bacon. Since then the event has continued to attract lots of people and many of them stayed loyal customers, Nick says. 
I had my first tasting at 27th march and I have to say that everyone was fascinated by the huge variety of different types and brands. It is amazing how many things have an impact of the taste and quality of different vintages! After the tasting I decided that I will definitely not go for supermarket bacon anymore.
If you are interested in getting to know more about bacon and the Alder Carr Farm I strongly recommend joining the next tasting.
Dates and booking at Alder Carr Farm’s website: http://www.aldercarrfarm.co.uk/index.html

Alder Carr Farm
Needham Market
Ipswich, Suffolk

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