Thursday, March 31, 2011

Perfect Pastries – Homemade and Unbelievably Good

Have you ever tried to bake your own pastries? It’s a lot of work and the recipes of the many different types of pastries are quite difficult for anyone who is not a professional.
So there I was, struggling between the time-intensive option of making them myself and the unsatisfying taste of supermarket pastries. Until now. I found a third option to get fresh, delicious pastries without working in your kitchen the whole Sunday.

Golden Suffolk Cider – Delicious like Sunshine in a Bottle

Before I came to England I knew that the British loved their cider. Because I only tasted minor ciders until then I couldn’t really appreciate why this drink was so famous in the UK.
Now that I’ve tasted real artisan cider made locally in Essex and Suffolk I changed my mind regarding cider completely.

Lane Farm’s Smoked Ham – Taking Sandwich to the Next Level

Regarding my travels and my experience in pork and especially ham I thought I had tasted the best. But now a little farm right in my neighbourhood changed my mind about that.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Upsons Farm's Fresh Apple Juice – Getting You Back To Life

Do you have your own recipe against fatigue and dizziness? What do you do when you feel weary or exhausted?
Most people would go for a nap and feel even worse afterwards. Other would grab a coffee and enjoy an hour or two of being vigil again only to be even more tired after the effect has worn out. 
Testing products of local farmers in Essex and Suffolk I stumbled over a better alternative.

Caprilatte Ice Cream from Butterfly Lodge – It’s All About the Milk

Have you ever tasted real, handmade artisan ice cream while on holiday in Italy? If you have you know how hard it is to get something similar in the UK. Even ice cream parlours can often not achieve the levels of quality and taste.

In the county of Essex there is a way to get what you desire. Since 2004 Warren and Ellie Goff produce their own farm produced luxury dairy goat milk ice cream at Butterfly Lodge.

The British Tomato – Making Your Pasta Unbelievably Delicious

Bolognese or Arrabbiata sauce made with fresh, juicy tomatoes. The best choice for your pasta isn’t it? For me it definitely is! And just when I thought my personal recipe couldn’t get any better I discovered the ultimate delicious tomato, right here in Essex!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lady Geraldine’s Blush – Don’t Need to Blush for that Vintage

I was never really into Wine. Always preferring a good cold Lager or Stout I didn’t appreciate the tremendous effect a good wine can have on food. Until now.

Binham Blue – Blue Cheese at its Best

To taste artisan blue cheese in its home region one has to travel to France right? Not at all. Christmas Hill Farm sells one of Europe’s finest blue cheese right here in Suffolk.

Primrose Pork – Happy Pigs make Better Meat

Pig husbandry is big in east Anglia. There are huge benefits for you in buying your pork at local farmer’s shops like Primrose Pork in Essex rather than going for ordinary supermarket pork.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Red-Poll Beef at Jimmy’s Farm – Taste the Rare Breed

Interested in the distinctive taste of a east English rare-breed? This might be just what you are looking for.
The meat experts at Jimmy’s Farm have recently added the legendary Red-Poll Beef to their specialized portfolio.

Free Range Duck Eggs – The Better Alternative

Surely you buy organic free range eggs in your local supermarket. This gives you confidence in doing the right thing for you and the animals themselves. Those are definitely the best you can get, right? Beg to differ but, New Barn Farm in Essex can provide you with an even better product.

Organic Vegetables from Tey Brook – Top in Taste and Trust

People are aware of their nutrition. The percentage of the population preferring controlled, organic food is growing and especially high in the fruit and vegetable sector.
But organic is not organic and what wholesalers and big box stores sometimes declare “organic” borders customer fraud. 
Surely you want to make sure to take full advantage of the benefits of real organic food. Therefore you should think about changing your habit of where to buy it.